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NRI has led an initiative to build innovative partnerships to strengthen local capacity to grow, process and utilise healthy nutritious food at affordable prices. The aim was to promote healthier living and drive economic prosperity through...

Lora Forsythe and Fiorella Picchioni, members of NRI’s Gender and Social Difference Research Group (GSD), recently contributed to the ‘Accelerating feminist pathways in agrifood systems’ workshop organised by the Rural Transformation and Gender...

NRI came alive as cutting-edge research left lab and field and took centre stage at the annual Natural Resources Institute Postgraduate Society (NRIPS) symposium on 28 June. 34 students joined their peers, supervisors and other members of the...

NRI’s Delia Grace Randolph is a co-author of the latest report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) of the UN Committee on World Food Security. The report ‘Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to...

NRI has continued to deliver on our commitment to finding innovative solutions to global challenges of poverty, climate change, food and nutrition insecurity, and gender and social inequality.

Mosquitoes are an often misunderstood group of insects. They belong to the Culicidae family and are part of the Insect order Diptera (two-winged) and sub-order Nematocera (slender-horned due to their fine, elongated antennae). These small creatures...

The vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) is native to the UK and Europe but is now established throughout Australia and North America. It feeds on a wide range of host plants, including ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables. Vine weevils have...

We are excited to announce that Dr Parag Acharya, Senior Fellow in Food Innovation at the Natural Resources Institute, will be partnering with Growing Kent & Medway and Imperial College London’s Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein, to develop...

Migrant hoverflies, scientifically known as Eupeodes corollae, are fascinating insects with completely different but equally interesting ecology as juveniles and adults. These agile fliers are widespread across temperate regions, migrating with the...

Oceans play a critical role in sustaining life as we know it. World Oceans Day (8 June) is a time of international recognition and awareness raising about oceans. During this time, many highlight and encourage collective action for healthy oceans...

NRI has hosted students over a range of projects as part of the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif), a programme that trains doctoral students in applied sciences, engineering and technology at African universities partnered with global...

Women's vulnerability to food insecurity and malnutrition Despite increased attention and strides in global nutrition efforts, women remain disproportionately vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition compared to men. This disparity stems...

Bees, butterflies, bats, moths, wasps and other pollinators are essential to our existence. Without their services, much of our food supply, agricultural economies and biodiversity would collapse. Despite their vital roles, many pollinator species...

Growing demand for food, fuel and fibre has expanded global commodity trade and large-scale land acquisitions in the Global South. This has resulted in significant land use changes, creating biodiversity losses and social impacts, leading to a...