NRI's Dr Sarah Arnold was interviewed by a number of media outlets following publication of the article entitled ‘Bumble bees show an induced preference for flowers when primed with caffeinated nectar and a target floral odour’, in Current Biology.
This new study reveals that giving bumblebees a blend of caffeine, sugar and flower aromas whilst still in their nest, before they go foraging, can help them target specific flowers and pollinate them more effectively. Read more here.
Links will be added following broadcast/publication.
- Scientific American – Caffeine Boosts Bees’ Focus and Helps Them Learn
- New Scientist – Caffeine-fuelled bumblebees are better at foraging for nectar
- VICE – A Caffeine Buzz Helps Bumble Bees Do Their Jobs Better, Study Finds
- The Guardian – Caffeine may help bumblebees pollinate more effectively, study shows
- Nature – Research Highlights article: A caffeine buzz gives bees flower power
- Nature – Research Highlights podcast, listen at 10:13
- Phys.org, by Cell Press – A caffeine buzz helps bees learn to find specific flowers
- Naked Scientists podcast recording – Bees get a memory buzz from caffeine
- John Pienaar with Times Radio Drive – live radio interview, listen at 26:45
- Brigham Young University Radio: Top of Mind with Julie Rose – podcast recording
- Independent – Caffeine may help bees pollinate, study with robotic flowers shows
- Radio New Zealand, RNZ – Caffeine buzz helps bees find best flowers – study
- New York Post – Bees get buzzed: Study finds bees on caffeine do their jobs better
- Science Daily – A caffeine buzz helps bees learn to find specific flowers
- Eureka Alert – A caffeine buzz helps bees learn to find specific flowers + video
- The Metro – Bees' buzz boosted by jolt of caffeine before going to work
- MailOnline – Talk about a buzz! Bees learn more effectively with a jolt of caffeine-laced nectar, study finds
- Cosmos magazine – Bees benefit from coffee buzz
- WDC TV News – Caffeine Boosts Bees’ Focus and Helps Them Learn
- Technology Networks – Caffeine Buzz Boosts Bees’ Ability To Find Specific Blooms
- Insider Voice – Caffeine May Help Bumblebees Pollinate More Effectively, Study Shows
- Boingboing.net – Bees buzzing on caffeine are better at their jobs, a study finds
- The Australian – Why coffee is all the buzz
- News Beezer – Study shows that bees that ingest caffeine do their job better
- Study Finds – Bees get buzzed off caffeine just like humans – and it makes them better pollinators
- AZO Life Sciences – A caffeine buzz helps bumble bees better remember the smell of a specific flower
- The Times – Coffee buzz helps bees to learn better and work harder
- ABC, España – Por qué toman cafeína las abejas
- Español News – La cafeína aumenta el enfoque de las abejas y las ayuda a aprender
- Sveriges Radio – Koffein hjälpte humlor hitta mat