Professor G W Otim-Nape
BSc, MSc, PhD
Visiting Professor of Agricultural Innovation Systems
Livelihoods and Institutions Department
+44 (0)1634 88 3199
Prof. Otim-Nape graduated with a BSc (Hons) Agric and MSc Agric. from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and a PhD in plant virology from the University of Reading, UK in 1993. He has undertaken post-doctoral training at Wye College, University of London, at the Scottish Crops Research Institute (SCRI), and the JF Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA.
Professor Otim-Nape started his career as a scientific officer (Plant Pathologist) in 1976; became Senior Research Officer, Principal Research Officer, Deputy Director General, Director General NARO in 1983, 1993, 1999 and 2003 respectively, most of this period (1976-1999), spent on innovations development and management. He has published widely on agricultural development in international scientific journals, book chapters and monographs. Professor Otim-Nape has worked as a development planner (Country CAADP Processes Manager) for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), an AU/NEPAD Programme from 2006 to 2008. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Africa Innovations Institute, a Non-Governmental Centre of Excellence based in Kampala, Uganda. The Institute focuses on science, technology and innovations in Africa.
- Otim-Nape G.W., Rubahire-Akiiki C., Habassa G. Ogwal, S.; Mukasa B., Okello-Onen J, Ddumba D.S., 2016. Livelihoods and Climate Change in the Cattle Corridor of Uganda. Africa Innovations Institute, 46pp (Monograph).
- Otim-Nape G.W., 2015. Enact the Uganda Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill without Further Delay. A Keynote address at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association (UWOPA), Imperial Royale Hotel, 13th October 2015, Kampala
- Otim-Nape G.W., Tusiime F., Nambooze J., Atai B., Kwesigwa S., Okello M. 2015. Integrating Indigenous Food Systems in Agricultural Development for Community Livelihoods. A Keynote address at the 5th Annual Indigenous Food Fair, 23rd October 2015, UMA Conference Hall, Kampala
- Mukasa, B., Ssengendo, M., Otim-Nape, W.G., Okello-Onen, J., Rubaire-Akiiki, C., Konde-Lule, J., Basalirwa, P. and Ogwal Byenek, S. Gender and adaptation to the risks of climate variability for livelihood security in the cattle corridor communities of Uganda. Presentation made at the ECOHESA 2014 Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, 10 – 12 March, 2014.
- Wellard K., Sengendo M., Sseguya H., Ndagire S., Mugarura S. and Otim-Nape G.W. 2014. Impact Evaluation of ASARECA Operational Plan 1 and Development Objectives and Documentation of Lessons Learned: Final Report. ASARECA/NRI UoG and AfrII. ASARECA, Entebbe, 108pp. April 2014
- Nimusiima Alex, Basalirwa C. P. K., Majaliwa J.G.M, Otim-Nape W., Okello-Onen J., Rubaire-Akiiki C., Konde-Lule J. and Ogwal-Byenek S (2013). Nature and dynamics of climate variability in the Uganda cattle corridor. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 7(8), pp. 770 – 782
- Otim-Nape G.W, Pangech J., Kayanga L. and Omino J 2013. South Sudan Agriculture Sector Investment Plan: Crops Agriculture. A Report Submitted to the AU/NPCA, Africa Innovations Institute, Kampala, Uganda, 28 April 2013, 63pp
- Otim-Nape G.W, Sabwa N., Phiri E. Sentongo P. and Omino J 2013. South Sudan Agriculture Stocktaking Report. A Report Submitted to the AU/NPCA, Africa Innovations Institute, Kampala, Uganda, 18 September 2012, 112pp
- Otim-Nape G.W., Mr. J. Pali Shikhulu, Dr. M. Blackie R 2011. Road Map and Strategy for a Renewed National Agricultural Research System, Swaziland. Final Report to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Mbabani, Swaziland, July 2011, 177 pages.
- Otim-Nape G.W., Dr J. Pali Shikhulu 2011. Assessment of the National Agricultural Research System of Swaziland. Final Report to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN. Swaziland 153 pages, July 2011, Mbabani, Swaziland
- Otim-Nape W. and Methu J. 2010 Approaches for innovative implementation of Agricultural Research for Development in the ASARECA Sub-region. An ASARECA Occasional publication, 48 pp, ASARECA Entebbe, (Monograph).
- Otim-Nape W. and Methu J. 2010. Case Studies of the Application of the IAR4D Principles in Implementing ASARECA Supported Sub-Projects and Gaps in IAR4D Capacity among Sub-Grantees. An ASARECA Occasional publication, 76 pp, ASARECA Entebbe, November 2010 (Monograph).
- Rweyemamu M, G.W Otim-Nape and D. Serwadda 2006. Infectious Diseases: Preparing For the Future -Africa. Office of Universities, Science and Innovations, Department of Trade and Industry, London. 103pp (www.foresight.gov.uk)
- Mukiibi J. and Otim-Nape G.W. 2003. The Contribution of NARO to the Modernization of Agriculture in Uganda. The National Agricultural Research Organization, Entebbe, Uganda, 114pp (Monograph)
- Otim-Nape G.W., A. Bua, J.M. Thresh, Y. Baguma, S. Ogwal, G.N. Ssemakula, G. Acola, Byabakama and A. Martin, 1997. Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Uganda: The Current Pandemic and Approaches to Control.Chatham, UK, NRI. 65pp.(Monograph)
- Otim-Nape G.W. , J.M. Thresh, and D. Fargette 1995. Bemisia tabaci and Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Africa. In: Bemisia 1995: Taxonomy, Biology, Damage, Control, and Management. P 319-350 (Gerling D. and Mayer R.T., eds) Intercept, Andover, UK.
- Osinde, C., Okello-Onen., Oryema-Origa, H. and Otim-Nape, G.W. Nutritional and chemical composition of selected indigenous plant species used as food in the cattle corridor of Uganda, a case study of Nakasongola and Nakaseke district. Lambert academic publishers.
- Thresh J.M., Otim-Nape G.w., G. Fabres Y.S. Yaninek E., And Adipala E. (Eds) 1994. Integrating the management of pests, weeds and diseases of cassava in Africa African Crop Science Journal (Special Issue) Vol. 2 No.4 592 pp. Makerere University, Kampala. e
Professor George William Otim-Nape is one of East Africa’s leading agricultural research scientists. He has extensive experience in agricultural research for development, agricultural research management, and science and innovations policy. One of the major technological achievements of Professor Otim-Nape has been the control of cassava mosaic disease pandemic (CMD) which had threatened production in Uganda. A plant pathologist by training, Prof Otim-Nape has spent most of his career in agricultural research for development and has demonstrated strategic leadership and management of large agricultural research for development programmes. His current research is on agricultural innovations policy, agricultural institutional development, commercialization of staple African commodities, enhancing community adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change, and on integrated management of crops and livestock pests and diseases.
Dr. Otim-Nape was nominated in 1997 for the African Prize for Leadership for Sustainable End to Hunger, shortlisted and finally competed with seven other nominees four of whom were Presidents and Heads of State and Governments of African countries. The Prize was awarded to both President Chisano of Mozambique and Mrs Joyce Banda of Malawi. In 2006 he was nominated for the Yara Prize 2006. Dr Otim-Nape was awarded Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences in 2003, the highest and most prestigious national scientific honour. He received the Lottery International Award “for his great intellect, diligence and energy he dedicated as head of the distinguished cassava research team, to the problem of cassava mosaic disease that nearly brought the crop to extinction with predictability dire consequences to the populations’ food security in the region”. He also received a special recognition award from the Africa Crop Science Society and the Uganda National Farmers Federation for his exemplary leadership in fighting the cassava mosaic disease pandemic and contribution to food security in Uganda. In 2008, he received the Presidential Award for Science Excellence from His Excellency The President of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
Prof. Otim-Nape graduated with a BSc (Hons) Agric and MSc Agric. from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and a PhD in plant virology from the University of Reading, UK in 1993. He has undertaken post-doctoral training at Wye College, University of London, at the Scottish Crops Research Institute (SCRI), and the JF Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA.
Professor Otim-Nape started his career as a scientific officer (Plant Pathologist) in 1976; became Senior Research Officer, Principal Research Officer, Deputy Director General, Director General NARO in 1983, 1993, 1999 and 2003 respectively, most of this period (1976-1999), spent on innovations development and management. He has published widely on agricultural development in international scientific journals, book chapters and monographs. Professor Otim-Nape has worked as a development planner (Country CAADP Processes Manager) for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), an AU/NEPAD Programme from 2006 to 2008. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Africa Innovations Institute, a Non-Governmental Centre of Excellence based in Kampala, Uganda. The Institute focuses on science, technology and innovations in Africa.
- Otim-Nape G.W., Rubahire-Akiiki C., Habassa G. Ogwal, S.; Mukasa B., Okello-Onen J, Ddumba D.S., 2016. Livelihoods and Climate Change in the Cattle Corridor of Uganda. Africa Innovations Institute, 46pp (Monograph).
- Otim-Nape G.W., 2015. Enact the Uganda Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill without Further Delay. A Keynote address at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association (UWOPA), Imperial Royale Hotel, 13th October 2015, Kampala
- Otim-Nape G.W., Tusiime F., Nambooze J., Atai B., Kwesigwa S., Okello M. 2015. Integrating Indigenous Food Systems in Agricultural Development for Community Livelihoods. A Keynote address at the 5th Annual Indigenous Food Fair, 23rd October 2015, UMA Conference Hall, Kampala
- Mukasa, B., Ssengendo, M., Otim-Nape, W.G., Okello-Onen, J., Rubaire-Akiiki, C., Konde-Lule, J., Basalirwa, P. and Ogwal Byenek, S. Gender and adaptation to the risks of climate variability for livelihood security in the cattle corridor communities of Uganda. Presentation made at the ECOHESA 2014 Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, 10 – 12 March, 2014.
- Wellard K., Sengendo M., Sseguya H., Ndagire S., Mugarura S. and Otim-Nape G.W. 2014. Impact Evaluation of ASARECA Operational Plan 1 and Development Objectives and Documentation of Lessons Learned: Final Report. ASARECA/NRI UoG and AfrII. ASARECA, Entebbe, 108pp. April 2014
- Nimusiima Alex, Basalirwa C. P. K., Majaliwa J.G.M, Otim-Nape W., Okello-Onen J., Rubaire-Akiiki C., Konde-Lule J. and Ogwal-Byenek S (2013). Nature and dynamics of climate variability in the Uganda cattle corridor. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 7(8), pp. 770 – 782
- Otim-Nape G.W, Pangech J., Kayanga L. and Omino J 2013. South Sudan Agriculture Sector Investment Plan: Crops Agriculture. A Report Submitted to the AU/NPCA, Africa Innovations Institute, Kampala, Uganda, 28 April 2013, 63pp
- Otim-Nape G.W, Sabwa N., Phiri E. Sentongo P. and Omino J 2013. South Sudan Agriculture Stocktaking Report. A Report Submitted to the AU/NPCA, Africa Innovations Institute, Kampala, Uganda, 18 September 2012, 112pp
- Otim-Nape G.W., Mr. J. Pali Shikhulu, Dr. M. Blackie R 2011. Road Map and Strategy for a Renewed National Agricultural Research System, Swaziland. Final Report to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Mbabani, Swaziland, July 2011, 177 pages.
- Otim-Nape G.W., Dr J. Pali Shikhulu 2011. Assessment of the National Agricultural Research System of Swaziland. Final Report to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN. Swaziland 153 pages, July 2011, Mbabani, Swaziland
- Otim-Nape W. and Methu J. 2010 Approaches for innovative implementation of Agricultural Research for Development in the ASARECA Sub-region. An ASARECA Occasional publication, 48 pp, ASARECA Entebbe, (Monograph).
- Otim-Nape W. and Methu J. 2010. Case Studies of the Application of the IAR4D Principles in Implementing ASARECA Supported Sub-Projects and Gaps in IAR4D Capacity among Sub-Grantees. An ASARECA Occasional publication, 76 pp, ASARECA Entebbe, November 2010 (Monograph).
- Rweyemamu M, G.W Otim-Nape and D. Serwadda 2006. Infectious Diseases: Preparing For the Future -Africa. Office of Universities, Science and Innovations, Department of Trade and Industry, London. 103pp (www.foresight.gov.uk)
- Mukiibi J. and Otim-Nape G.W. 2003. The Contribution of NARO to the Modernization of Agriculture in Uganda. The National Agricultural Research Organization, Entebbe, Uganda, 114pp (Monograph)
- Otim-Nape G.W., A. Bua, J.M. Thresh, Y. Baguma, S. Ogwal, G.N. Ssemakula, G. Acola, Byabakama and A. Martin, 1997. Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Uganda: The Current Pandemic and Approaches to Control.Chatham, UK, NRI. 65pp.(Monograph)
- Otim-Nape G.W. , J.M. Thresh, and D. Fargette 1995. Bemisia tabaci and Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Africa. In: Bemisia 1995: Taxonomy, Biology, Damage, Control, and Management. P 319-350 (Gerling D. and Mayer R.T., eds) Intercept, Andover, UK.
- Osinde, C., Okello-Onen., Oryema-Origa, H. and Otim-Nape, G.W. Nutritional and chemical composition of selected indigenous plant species used as food in the cattle corridor of Uganda, a case study of Nakasongola and Nakaseke district. Lambert academic publishers.
- Thresh J.M., Otim-Nape G.w., G. Fabres Y.S. Yaninek E., And Adipala E. (Eds) 1994. Integrating the management of pests, weeds and diseases of cassava in Africa African Crop Science Journal (Special Issue) Vol. 2 No.4 592 pp. Makerere University, Kampala. e
Professor George William Otim-Nape is one of East Africa’s leading agricultural research scientists. He has extensive experience in agricultural research for development, agricultural research management, and science and innovations policy. One of the major technological achievements of Professor Otim-Nape has been the control of cassava mosaic disease pandemic (CMD) which had threatened production in Uganda. A plant pathologist by training, Prof Otim-Nape has spent most of his career in agricultural research for development and has demonstrated strategic leadership and management of large agricultural research for development programmes. His current research is on agricultural innovations policy, agricultural institutional development, commercialization of staple African commodities, enhancing community adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change, and on integrated management of crops and livestock pests and diseases.
Dr. Otim-Nape was nominated in 1997 for the African Prize for Leadership for Sustainable End to Hunger, shortlisted and finally competed with seven other nominees four of whom were Presidents and Heads of State and Governments of African countries. The Prize was awarded to both President Chisano of Mozambique and Mrs Joyce Banda of Malawi. In 2006 he was nominated for the Yara Prize 2006. Dr Otim-Nape was awarded Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences in 2003, the highest and most prestigious national scientific honour. He received the Lottery International Award “for his great intellect, diligence and energy he dedicated as head of the distinguished cassava research team, to the problem of cassava mosaic disease that nearly brought the crop to extinction with predictability dire consequences to the populations’ food security in the region”. He also received a special recognition award from the Africa Crop Science Society and the Uganda National Farmers Federation for his exemplary leadership in fighting the cassava mosaic disease pandemic and contribution to food security in Uganda. In 2008, he received the Presidential Award for Science Excellence from His Excellency The President of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.